Sunday, February 24, 2013

My job

Well, my job is currently frustrating the daylights out of me. There are situations that I have been in that my flesh has been screaming 'stop it people!'. What do we do with those situations such as a job where our livelihood is on the line and we are underequipped in the circumstances of the day to handle it. I came in to work with us being short of two items and we ended up running out of over five items tonight. We only had two cooks and one cashier scheduled. I had to prep some meat because we ran out of big hamburgers. I'm thankful that I learned how to do this, but it was at a time which, of course, we were busy and stretched beyond our capacity to possibly handle it. It is not very pleasant and very easy to resent the customers who are actually the reason we have a job because without them we go out of business. How do I get over my own desire to avoid those situations where I know I am vulnerable to being at the mercy of customers' attitudes when we are busy beyond our manpower to possibly handle. And then the issue of things running out of stock or not enough prepped because we can NOT always predict when it will suddenly be busier. All of this to say, I made it through this evening and did not have any major confrontation with upset customers or anything of the like. I just would prefer to business to match our preparedness, especially since it's not my fault that items were under-ordered - but even if it was my fault and I were responsible for that I still would want a break from people pointing fingers at me just like I caught myself wanting to point fingers at my store manager whose shoes I am NOT it. The point then? I can not control everything or other people, so my job is always to love people and do my best in excellence and a desire to lift others up. Attitude creates the weather in our lives, and even when we are handed a bad hand of cards that set us up for possible humiliation, we can choose to either believe we are the victim and expect the world to feel sorry for us or take the high road of humility and thankfulness. I'm not there yet - BUT GOD by His grace can get me there!

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